(provisional titles)
Michael Averof (IGF Lyon, France)
Does regeneration mirror development?
Allison Bardin (Institut Curie, Paris, France)
Genome stability of stem and progenitor cells during aging
Elvan Boke (CRG Barcelona, Spain) EMBO Young Investigator Lecture
Evading ageing: mitochondrial and proteostatic adaptations in oocytes
Giselle Cheung (ISTA Vienna, Austria)
Multipotent progenitors instruct ontogeny of the superior colliculus
Lionel Christiaen (SARS Bergen, Norway)
Cardiac development and whole heart regeneration in a simple chordate
Luisa Cochella (Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, USA)
Quantitative control of morphogenesis by a deeply conserved miRNA family
Claude Desplan (NYU, New York, USA)
Are longevity and reproduction compatible?
Fiona Doetsch (Biozentrum Basel, Switzerland)
Regulation and diversity of adult neural stem cells
Petra Hajkova (London Institute of Medical Sciences, United Kingdom)
Resetting and maintenance of epigenetic information in the context of mammalian germ line
Olivier Hamant (ENS Lyon, France)
How transcriptional noise and mechanical conflicts contribute to organ shape reproducibility
Guo Huang (UCSF, San Francisco, USA)
Neurohormonal control of organ regeneration: insights from platypus, anteaters, bats and whales
Robert Johnston (Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, USA)
Generating neuronal diversity in human retinal organoids
Bill Keyes (IGBMC, Strasbourg, France)
Cellular senescence in development and aging
Abderrahman Khila (IGF Lyon, France)
Molecular, ecological and evolutionary mechanisms of extreme growth variation in a water strider
Mounia Lagha (IGMM Montpellier, France) EMBO Young Investigator Lecture
Gene expression dynamics during the awakening of the zygotic genome
Patrick Lemaire (Institute of Biological Sciences, Montpellier, France)
Growth, apoptosis, regeneration, signalling gradients: everything the ascidian embryo can do without…
Fabienne Lescroart (Marseille Medical Genetics Center, Marseille, France)
Early specification of the cardiopharyngeal mesoderm: multiple roads to the heart and head muscles
Han Li (Institut Pasteur, Paris, France)
New tricks of an old player: senescence induced-cellular plasticity in health and disease
Hernan Lopez-Schier (Helmholtz Zentrum, Munich, Germany)
Long-term homeostasis of complex patterns in regenerating organs
Irene Miguel-Aliaga (Imperial College London, United-Kingdom)
Changing guts
Pura Muñoz Cànoves (Altos, San Diego, USA)
Promoting regeneration of aged muscles
Peter Reddien (Whitehead Institute, MIT Boston, USA)
Fate choice in planarian regeneration
Michael Rera (Institut de Biologie Paris Seine, France)
Two phases for better understanding ageing
Dario Riccardo Valenzano (Max Planck Institut, Cologne, Germany)
Evolution and ecology of aging
Pauline Speder (Institut Pasteur, Paris, France)
Building the neurogenic niche, one block at a time
Bjorn Schumacher (CECAD Cologne, Germany)
Genome stability in reproduction and aging: new insights from C. elegans
Dan Ohtan Wang (NYU Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates)
Reading the m6A RNA methylation signals in neurons and at synapses